Kato Gouves, 700 14, 700 14
Map directions
Information about Ourania Apartments Hotel
Ourania Apartments Hotel is located in Kato Gouves, Heraklion, Crete. It is one of the best Hotels to visit in Gouves Crete, either you plan to visit Gouves for holidays or you live in Crete island as a local in Chania, Rethymno or Lassithi and you plan your trip or your visit to Kato Gouves Heraklion Crete.

Questions and Answers about Ourania Apartments Hotel

How can I see Ourania Apartments Hotel on the Map?
You can see here the map of Ourania Apartments Hotel.
How do I get from Heraklion airport to Ourania Apartments Hotel?
You can see here driving directions to Ourania Apartments Hotel.
How long does it take to get from Hersonissos to Ourania Apartments Hotel and what is the approximate distance between the two places?
The approximate distance between Hersonissos and Ourania Apartments Hotel is around 10 km, and it takes about 15-20 minutes to drive between the two places. Please note that this may vary depending on traffic conditions and mode of transportation.
How long does it take to get from Agios Nikolaos to Ourania Apartments Hotel and what is the approximate distance between the two places?
The approximate distance between Agios Nikolaos and Ourania Apartments Hotel is around 51 km, and it takes about 40-45 minutes to drive between the two places. Please note that this may vary depending on traffic conditions and mode of transportation.
How long does it take to get from Malia to Ourania Apartments Hotel and what is the approximate distance between the two places?
The approximate distance between Malia and Ourania Apartments Hotel is around 22 km, and it takes about 20-25 minutes to drive between the two places. Please note that this may vary depending on traffic conditions and mode of transportation.
How long does it take to get from Gournes Gouvon to Ourania Apartments Hotel and what is the approximate distance between the two places?
The approximate distance between Gournes Gouvon and Ourania Apartments Hotel is around 3.5 km, and it takes about 5-7 minutes to drive between the two places. Please note that this may vary depending on traffic conditions and mode of transportation.
How long does it take to get from Kokkini Hani to Ourania Apartments Hotel and what is the approximate distance between the two places?
The approximate distance between Kokkini Hani and Ourania Apartments Hotel is around 5.5 km, and it takes about 8-10 minutes to drive between the two places. Please note that this may vary depending on traffic conditions and mode of transportation.
What are the best tourist attractions near Ourania Apartments Hotel?
You can read our guide on the best tourist attractions near Ourania Apartments Hotel.
What are the best things to do near Ourania Apartments Hotel?
You can read our guide on the best things to do near Ourania Apartments Hotel.
What are the best shopping options near Ourania Apartments Hotel?
You can read our guide on the best shopping options near Ourania Apartments Hotel.
Which are best beaches near to Ourania Apartments Hotel?
Check our guide to find the best beaches in Gouves near to Ourania Apartments Hotel.
Which hotels, villas and apartments are located close to Ourania Apartments Hotel?
You can find the best hotels, villas and apartments close to Ourania Apartments Hotel.
Which are the best restaurants and bars close to Ourania Apartments Hotel?
You can find the best restaurants and bars in Gouves Crete close to Ourania Apartments Hotel.